Thursday, 23 October 2014

Ancient Egypt

Year 4 Homework

Date set: 23.10.14

Date Due in: 07.11.14

-      Reading every day. Please write in your reading diary when you have read.

-      Maths (20mins):

Our topic this week is Time Maths homework will be posted on the mathletics website. Please ask your teacher for a paper copy if you need one or if you have trouble logging on.

Please also practise your times tables up to 12 x 12.


-      Literacy (20mins):

This term we have been learning about the Ancient Egyptians with a particular focus on transport and communication.  Your homework is to write a non-chronological report about the Ancient Egyptians.  You can include any information you have learnt about the Ancient Egyptians.  Think about how you will organise the information.  You may include the following paragraphs;

The Rosetta stone


Egyptian Ships

The Nile


Don’t forget to use all the writing features you have been learning about in non-chronological reports.


-      Spellings (20mins) should be practised for a short time each day, using the words given in sentences.

You need to:

 • look at each word

• say the word

• copy the word in first space

• cover the words and try to write it from memory

• check to see if they are right

The Thunder Dragon's Digestive System

Date set: 17.10.14

Date Due in: 24.10.14

-      Reading every day. Please write in your reading diary when you have read.

-      Maths (20mins):

Our topic this week is Shape. Maths homework will be posted on the mathletics website. Please ask your teacher for a paper copy if you need one or if you have trouble logging on.

Please also practise your times tables up to 12 x 12.

-      Literacy (20mins):

This week we have been working on non-chronological reports. See if you can use this story map to write the first two paragraphs of the Thunder Dragon’s digestive system.


Make sure you use the toolkit:

·         Sentence starters

·         Conjunctions

·         Generalisers

·         Topic vocabulary

·         Subheadings

·         Paragraphs.

Remember to think, say, write and check your work as you go along.

Friday, 3 October 2014

The Digestive system

Date set: 3.10.14

Date Due in: 9.10.14

-      Reading every day. Please write in your reading diary when you have read.


-      Maths (20mins):

Our topic this week is division. Maths homework will be posted on the mathletics website. Please ask your teacher for a paper copy if you need one or if you have trouble logging on.

Please also practise your times tables up to 12 x 12.


-      Literacy (20mins):

Over the next few weeks we will be writing non-chronological reports about the digestive system which is our science topic. For your homework please research the organs of the digestive system and the journey food takes through our bodies.

During your research take notes and then turn these into sentences in your own words.


-      Spellings (20mins) should be practised for a short time each day, using the words given in sentences.