Thursday, 8 May 2014

Literacy homework 7.5.14
A Cloudy Lesson

A cloudy lesson

I would like you to write a newspaper report about a day when these clouds appeared in the sky. Remember the first paragraph must have the key information: When? What? Who? Where? Why?
Then think about adding more detail and quotes from people that could be interviewed like the boy in the clip.

Happy writing!

Miss joseph


  1. There was a little boy and his granpa.when they was put the a metal stick on the top there was a round thing.What happened was when his granpa blew a big one the boy blew a little shape then his granpa try and do it bigger.when he was blowing it was not work then he was climbing on it, then it broke.What have you done he said,i climb on it and it broke.Then when he picked it up he made it in to a differnet shape and he showen it to his granpa and his granpa said yes it is nice so they enjoyed blowing shapes

    1. Well done you have remembered lots of details. Can you add speech marks around the speech?

  2. There was a father and a young boy who likes to do different shapes of clouds they
    had this giant black key the father blows a cloud the boy tried to blow one cloud but his clouds were to small he kept on blowing suddenly he fell on the black key and . It broke and the boy fell down the father picked him up and the boy picked the black key and he made a different shape on the black key he made a star and he blowed in it and his blows work he kept on making different shapes on the black key."The boy said that he likes to blow because it makes the sky beautiful the father said that hes so proud of him and he will always blow different clouds".I would like to say that was a good story.

    1. Well done Shaymaa you have included lots of detail. Could you organise your work into separate paragraphs?

  3. Yesterday evening a man and his son invented a machine which made clouds as they missed seeing them. They tested the cloud maker in the sky right above their home in Western Australia. Where they live it is very dry, hot and sunny; it hardly ever rains. The cloud maker can be converted to make different shapes of clouds.

    The boy said nervously,” it was quite hard at first to make large clouds but it got a little easier each time. It was very easy to bend the machine into different shapes”.

    The man triumphantly said ‘the cloud maker would help in places where there are droughts so you can use it to create rain. But for children it makes lots of nice and very interesting clouds to look at. It is fun to play with and can be easily folded away’’.

    The Australian Government are interested in this invention and would want to negotiate with big companies and turn this idea into industrial scale. They are planning to sell it worldwide where there are droughts. Watch this space.

    1. Well done Harshil You have organised your writing well in paragraphs. Dont forget to use a variety of sentence openers a lot of your sentences beging with 'the'.

  4. Last night at 5:00pm shaped clouds appeared in the sky. Dressily Hann reported that he saw a 3D rabbit,a puffy star and a small heart.It has been told that a young boy with his Grandfather were blowing clouds in the sky when the boy made a star and blew it to the sky.

    The Grandfather was amazed when he saw what he did."Me and my grandson were just sitting there gassing at the beautiful clouds my grandson had created"exclaimed the Grandfather.(they refused to show there name).

    The town were gobbed smaked when they saw the clouds.They are hoping to see more clouds

  5. There was once was a young boy who loved spotting shapes in the clouds so one day something amazing happened.

    One bright evening in America a young boy and his grandfather went on top of there house and then the young boys grandfather brought up his little cloud maker up and blew a big cloud. The young boy tried to blow a cloud but could only make a very small cloud. The young boy tried so hard to make a bigger cloud but suddenly he tripped and broke the cloud maker.

    The young boy was so sad that he had broken the cloud maker and tried to bend it into shape but suddenly he had a amazing idea so he started bending the cloud maker and they both made shapes of things and were very happy.

  6. Yesterday moring a grandpa and a little boy who were climbing on top of a building.Who opened a box , in the box there was a blower to blow clouds then the grandpa tested the blower to the boy.After the grandpa leted the boy to blow a cloud.After a while the little boy standed on the blower when he standed on it the blower cracked .

    And then the boy fell down, nearly the grandpa lifted the little boy up then the boy was upset that he broked the blower and then he thought of something else with the blower frist he made a star ,rabbit,heart ,And end of the cloud lesson there were friendiy.


  7. Yesterday day evening a little boy age about 5 or 6 went out with his grandpa and his grandpa had a case he opened the case there was a metal cloud maker his grandpa showed him how to make clouds with it next he tried only a small cloud came out so he was tried it again and again suddenly it brook his grandpa was sad that it brook."Aw darn now we can't make clouds". Then his little boy said " I have a idea" so he shaped it in to a star his grandpa blew it the cloud was in a star he shaped it again it was in a shape of a rabbit so they where blowing clouds all evening.

  8. Yesterday 6.00 there was this boy who was standing with his grandpa on his tree hut .His grandpa had a brown case and opened it inside there was type of a wound with a circle on top.his grandpa put it on a stand and blew inside then out came a cloud.then the boy blew inside it did not work he kept blowing but still did not work he never new that he was bending the stand he kept bending it then broke.even the circle went in a different shape and the cloud disapeard he and his grandpa became sad then the boy made the broken wound into a star shape his grandpa blew it worked then he shaped it into a rabbit and a heart and it all worked

  9. Yesterday afternoon at 2:00pm in London, an amazing thing was seen. Three clouds shaped as a big heart, star and a bunny were seen floating in the sky.

    A man and his grandson were found to be the ones making the clouds. "I can't believe my grandpa found this cloud making stick" said Sam aged 6. Jim Humble aged 60 had found the metal device while hiking up a hill.

    Mr Humble blew a big cloud and Sam wanted to have a go. He tried to blow one out but only tiny clouds appeared at first. Sam accidentally snapped the stick and the top of it was bent. It was Sam's idea to shape the top of it to make different shaped clouds.

    Mr Humble and Sam are now looking for more cloud makers that they could sell to the public.

  10. Yesterday night a father and his son invented a cloud machine in the north of newzeland, they invented it because they liked seeing different types of clouds, the cloud machine could converte into different shapes , each time you change the shape of the cloud machine the cloud changes shape with it. Interestingly you had to blow through the cloud machine to make it work.

    At first the little boy aged 6 found it hard to blow big clouds but then his dad came and shoed him how to do it then the boy found it easier every time to blow bigger clouds. Amazingly it was easy to bend the cloud machine as it was made out of metal.

    The boy nervously whispered " what does the cloud machine do to help the world"
    his father replied " the clouds help by going to different places where it does not rain so much because then rain comes out." There was one problem he could not controll where the clouds go so it could rain in any random place.

  11. This morning a little boy and his dad created a cloud machine at their house in USA,it is thought that his dad had started making a cloud machine and was just testing it to see if it was working.

    In an interview his dad said "I had been working on the machine".


    This afternoon at 4.57pm a little boy named Jack was making spectacular clouds in the sky from dust with his Granddad Jo.
    This was absolutely fascinating. It was heard that this was the first time ever anyone had done this. The clouds were as soft as candy floss softer than the natural clouds in the sky .if you would like to see these clouds go out at around 4.50 to see.

  13. Yesterday morning, in northern India people woke up to an astounding sight: white fluffy clouds in the shapes of bunnies, stars, and hearts covered the bright blue sky line!

    This magnificent sight was the work of: Max age 6, who was out with his granddad at the time. It is thought that Max and his granddad were at the harbour blowing clouds, with granddad's magic cloud blowing machine. Apparently, this cloud machine can be alterd in shape to form new clouds.

    Mr Yoga ( granddad) commented that " It was quite hard to blow them at first but it got easier with practice. We intend to work with countries that suffer with droughts."
