Thursday, 12 June 2014

Going Green

Going green

(from a first news article 16-22nd May 2014)

“From next year, shoppers in England will have to pay 5p for each plastic bag that they take from a shop to carry away shopping.”

The reasons given are:

-         Many plastic bags are used once and thrown away.

-         Plastic takes a very long time to break down.

-         Little pieces of plastic can cause problems for animals.

-         Lots of plastic bags end up littering our streets.

Do you agree with this? How would you persuade someone to your point of view?

Write a paragraph that persuades someone to your point of view. Try to use powerful and emotive language. Remember to think, say, write  and check.


  1. I agree with this, because the shops or super markets might not get enough money to pay for the building and the employee's might not get the money to pay for food ,their bills and their house and other things.

    If they start to charge plastic bags for 5p, the shoppers would still get the bags to carry their things in and the work will get enough money to pay the employee's and the bills to keep on running the building and get more people with smiles on their faces. That's why I agree with this idea.

  2. I agree that lots of plastic bags are used once and thrown away.I also agree that it can cause problems for animals , because when they eat they can eat the plastic they might die and if they die, from where are you going to get the milk,cheese , eggs and meat.It wont be good for the environments. They are right I agree with them.In some country's they don't even care about recycling when they finish using like a carton of juice they just leave it on the street and by that the world can be destroyed.So finally my point of view is save and recycle the plastic and save the planet.

  3. I agree because lots of people do throw out lots of plastic bags they get from shops.My family has a pocket attached to our fridge and when we come home from the supermarket the put the bags in the pocket, we sometimes use them for containers or clothes.People shouldn't throw away plastic bags because they could come in use some day and you can make. Fun stuff with it like a mini para shoot.

  4. I agree that plastic bags might go throun away,but some people keep them for next time like if you need it for a small bin! I agree that animals can get traped .for e.g.they walk in and not get air and die , were do you think all the food we have has been coming from?ANIMALS .If you coud kepp them somwere at home for next time like for maby not waisting 5p for just one bag.

  5. I agree with charging people for using plastic bags because people can waste plastic bags and that causes problems for many animals. My mum uses bag for life bags which are made of durable plastic and can be replaced from supermarkets free of charge once they cannot be used. She uses these because she doesn't want to waste bags, endanger animals and it is much more practical. Also it is a waste of money because it can break easily and cannot carry much weight. Many supermarkets such as: Tesco, Asda, Morrisons and Sainsburys are charging plastic bags because of the animal problem.

  6. I agree because plasticis is important and you can use it .but other people threw the plastic bag and vest there money ,when some people walk on the road and theys rubish its bad for them. when theres rubish in the floor like plastic animals will come and eat it and die but therwing rubish is bad for the envirment and it will destroy the world. when theres rubish in the road and someone is driveing a car and the wheels step on the rubish it will make a big sound.Ithink that recycleing is good for you.

  7. I think that we should pay 5p for each carrier bag used. This is because it is good for the environment as people will reuse their bags. When bags are not reused, they end up littering the streets, cause problems for animals and it is not nice for the plants . When you recycle plastic, it is hard to break down. Plastic bags get used once and then get thrown away. By charging 5p this could be avoided.

  8. I agree that you should pay 5p because it is bad for the environment and can hurt lots of wild animals. I also agree that people only use a plastic bag once so if you pay 5p people will think that their wasting their own money and they could think about reusing the plastic bags. It is also hard to break down plastic so if an animal swallowed the plastic bag it could die.



    Most people would agree that, plastic bags should be for free ;but they don't know how much damage a plastic bag could do to the environment, : plastic bags are environmental killers. Everybody knows that the polar bears are dying due to global warming, plastic bag company's play a big part in this operation. Another one of those reasons, is because loads of people are buying plastic bags and throwing them in the bin, unfortunately they are very hard to depose of and cause great damage to the environment. In my opinion it's a very good idea to spend a small quantity of money on plastic bags 'to save the planet for our future generation.

  10. I agree that charging customers is a good idea because if they cost money customers would buy fewer bags and there would be less plastic bags to recycle. As people would buy fewer plastic bags there would be a drop to the amount of litter. Little pieces of plastic bags create severe problems to animals. “Would you like see your pet dog stuck with a plastic bag on it’s head unable to breath or your cat eating food from a throw away plastic bags with large pieces of plastic getting stuck in their throat?”. So once people realise how harmful a plastic bag can be to their pets they will use less bags.
