Friday, 21 March 2014


'Put 'stillness' sessions on school timetable
based on an article in the Telegraph by Graeme Paton, via Espresso News)

The head of a well-known boarding schoola school at which children stay during term time, instead of going home each day has said that children need more time during the day to be quiet and think about their lives.

According to Dr Seldon, the master of Wellington College in Berkshire, a couple of minutes spent away from all distractionssomething that takes a person's attention away from what they are doing – especially mobile phones and the internet – can help pupils to be happier and improve concentrationthe ability to pay close attention to something.

In his view the disappearance of old-fashioned religiousa word to describe something connected to [a] religion assemblies, which provided time for quiet prayer, has taken away an opportunity for children to think about issuesimportant topics or problems affecting themselves or the world around them.

Dr Seldon's answer has been to introduce daily two-minute 'stillness' sessionsperiods of time used for specific activities into his school's timetable.

During those two minutes, children can think in silence without being disturbed. They are not allowed to work or communicate with others.

'Stillness' sessions are something Dr Seldon would like to see in all schools. He believes today's children need daily 'quiet time' more than ever before because of the problems and interruptionsthings that get in the way of a person's ability to concentrate created by modern technology, as well as the pressurethe feeling of being forced to do something because it is expected of you to do well at school.

f these things are allowed to overwhelmbecome too much to deal with children, he fears they could become ill and unhappy.

This could have an effect on their families and friends, as well as their schoolwork. '

We have started to be ‘Mindful’ in our classes. Do you think that this is what Dr Seldon is talking about? Do you think it helps with your learning? How and why could it help?

I look forward to reading your entries (on paper or online) by Wednesday 26th March!

Miss Joseph


  1. Our moments of silence we some times do in class is simmalar to Dr Seldons stillness. Our moments of silent help us relax and it also gives oportunnities to be calm after stressed times. It helps us when we are anoyed and it also helps by forgeting about worries. Afterwards it allows us to be happy. I think this can help your learning because it helps us keep our composure and helps us concetrate with our learning so you do not need to worry about anything. This also can help by getting all the disasterous things that happened out of your hed and it allows you to feel free.

    1. Your comment about "stillness" was very interesting Lewis. I like how you said it gives opportunities to be calm after stressed times.

    2. Thank you Ali !!!

    3. Ali I am pleased you are reading and commenting on others posts. This is very good practice. Well done!

  2. I think Dr Seldon is talking about the 'mindful' work because sometimes we need a time to relax and have a break,I totally agree!
    I think it helps with our learning because it helps use take our minds off things, like what they might have for lunch so I think it does help us with our learning.
    It could help us because if we're stressed or angry at any time we can just close our eyes and block everything out.

  3. I think what Dr. Seldon said is true and similar to when we have moments of silence. It is important that we have these sessions so we have time to think about our lives and how we can get on with them.It helps me a lot with my learning and problems. It can help with all sorts of things such as, learning, calming down, thinking and problems. This is because it clears your mind and causes you to ignore annoying distractions while doing your work. This will work if you block everything out and listen to the breeze every time you breathe.

  4. Maybe Dr Seldon was talking about being relaxed and take a break from doing your
    work.What hes talking about is like thinking about nothing and try to get everything
    out of your mind.When your angry sometimes you just count to ten and then you
    will be calm.
    I think that mindful work doesn't help in getting everything out from your mind in just
    two minutes, the brain needs more time to relax so i suggest to sleep early at night
    to give the brain the full time needed to get everything out from it then the next day
    the brain will be fresh and ready to accommodate new stuff and will be more

  5. I think that Dr Seldon is talking about what we have been doing in class which is being mindful. It does help with our learing because if you had a bad morning, you can close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly. This would help you by calming you down and making you feel better. Being mindful will help you to forget about
    things like what I should play at play time which would help with concentrating.

  6. I totally agree with Dr Seldon.The mindful sessions are teaching and training our mind to concentrate and focus on whatever we choose at that moment. This helps us in the classroom because we can then repeat the same learning process that is to focus on what is being taught by our teacher or fellow student. It helps our minds to relax and and calm down.

  7. I really agree with Dr Seldon the mindful are teaching and also training it helps us to clam down and relax it helps us in the class room and around the places that are very near by because like you focused on your teacher.

  8. Yes, I think that what Dr Seldon is talking about is a lot like the breathing exercise we used to do in class where we closed are eyes and cleared our minds. In my opinion, I think it helps with learning as it brings your mind to a fresh, new start. These moments of silence help us to forget unnecessary thoughts. They also help to relax and be calm after doing vigorous activities. Lastly, I think that Dr Seldon's idea is great because it can help to become focused. His idea is very similar to yoga & meditation practised by followers of Hinduism and Buddhism.

  9. Your comment about stillness is amazing Avani.

  10. good work harshil

    1. That's really interesting work that you have done harshil
