Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Lion and tiger cross cubs born

Three unusual looking cubs have been born to a tiger mum and lion dad at a zoo in Germany.
Called ligers, the cubs have spots AND stripes on their coats and are thought to be the largest cats in the world.
One of the cubs died shortly after it was born, but the other two are said to be doing really well and are enjoying their new-found celebrity.
It is unusual for different species of animals to have babies together so liger cubs are very rare.
Even rarer are tigons, which are born to a lion mum and tiger dad. Unlike ligers, tigons are often much smaller than either of their parents.
Homework task;
If you could mix any two animals what would they be? 
What would you call the new animal?
What would it be like?
Where would it live?
What would it eat?
Write about your new animal using full paragraphs and extended sentences.



  1. My animal is a mix of a gorrilla and a cheetah, called Gorreetah it can run 50000000000000000mph. Gorreetah can eat 1 million meat a minute. When Gorreetah hunts for its prey it rips their heart in half and then gets the animal to his family.
    Gorreetah eats anything in the world but especially not BRUSSLE SPROUTS! He eats rats and stinky cheese. He lives in a beautiful castle where he flies.

    1. Elson a very creative description. Try to used some more technical vocabulary and add an extra paragraph this is a little short.

  2. If I had the choice to mix two animals together it would be the amazing great white shark because it is probably the most dangerous shark that has ever lived on this planet. I would mix it with the awesome, small, but powerful box jellyfish, very rare but at the same time venomous and dangerous. The great white shark plus the amazing box jellyfish. Hmm... The perfect thing to call it would be the the 'Box Sharkyfish'.

    My BoxSharkyFish would live in a cold environment like Antartica or the North Pole and would live in the sea. It would live right at the bottom of the sea in a very deep cave where it is extremely dark and cold so it could hide from prey and silently attack it whilst the victim was previously oblivious.

    Ruthless in the way it catches its prey, evil in the way it doesn't care about its victims, and brave in the way it chooses its food. You might think this boxsharkyfish would eat fish but no this cunning brave ruthless beast chooses the largest animals in its habitat, the blue whale! It would kill the blue whale by stabbing its poison into its breathing hole. It would then eat it by sucking everything out of its body and leaving its skin. If you ever come across a box sharkyfish then run for your life!

    1. Well done Billy some great scientific vocabulary and you have started to really extend your sentences.

  3. If I could cross any two animal it would be a lion and a cheetah.
    I would call it a litah'
    It would have a rude personality and attack (Eat). It would eat evreything it see's.
    It would live in Africa.

    1. Yogith this is a great idea. You have not written enough detail. Your homework should be in paragraphs. Please add some more. I look forward to learning about your litah.

  4. My animal is a mix of a gorilla and a lion. It is called a ligorilla. It can run over 9000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 mph. It is mostly like a gorilla. It eats cheetahs. They hunt it by flying on them and ripping all the cheetah's heart, lungs and kidneys. They drink by using the skull of it's prey. All ligorillas drink cola. Also, all ligorillas live in caves where they party 24 hours a day and drink a lot of cola and some ligorillas faint because they've had too much. You wouldn't want to live near any cave because it's so noisy that you can't get not even one tiny bit of sleep because of lots of mischievious ligorillas.

  5. If I could mix two amazing animals it would be a super cat and a dog. Most of them may not be very rare but a super cat and dog are the rarest animal in the world. This is because when the first one gives birth, only one comes out. Not many people see this wonderful creature: actually nobody will ever see this magical animal.

    I would call this new animal a Catog/Dogat. If the dog is the female and a cat is a male, it would be called a Dogat. If the cat is a female and the dog is a male, it would be called a Catog.

    It would be like a sweet little kitten/puppy when it’s born. When it grows up it becomes very fierce when he/she sees their prey. Most of the Catogs and Dogats stay at home so they can keep an eye on their mother and father when they are ill. A majority of them are kind while others are mean. Dogats are quick; Catogs are slow.

    They would live in the very edge of the world. There is a beautiful castle called The Mix. Some like to live on a trampoline: others like to live on a super bouncy castle.

    They would eat super wood. Dogat will eat 100 times when he/she is hungry. Catogs will eat 50 times when he/she is hungry. Most men will catch prey for everyone to feast on. When they wait for their prey they start eating their super wood so they are not hungry.

  6. Dolphflys

    A Dolphfly is a mix of a male Dolphin and a Female Butterfly; it has the body of a Dolphin and has the colour and wings of a Butterfly. The type of colour would be tie dye coloured skin on the Dolphin (As shown on picture) and the wings would be like a real butterfly’s wings (Shown above).
    My Dolphfly can fly 20mph it eats different fish and can suck up nectar through its long tongue. They can swim even faster since it has a tail of a dolphin. It can swim 50mph so they’re lucky enough to not be eaten as prey by a shark!
    A Dolphfly spends most of its time in the Mediterranean Sea and not on land because it’s mostly a Dolphin. It does however fly out of the sea for air or when it’s attacked.
    A Dolphfly is a highly intelligent and knows how its prey moves. It swims towards its prey, and then starts swimming faster to catch up with it. Finally it bites the prey on the neck quickly to end its’ life. Since a Dolpfly can swim faster than its prey it’s easier for it to catch food.
    Dolphflys are a unique species of animal and a dolphin and butterfly giving birth is rare. People don’t see them in the sea. Some people think that Dolphflys are a myth but were discovered in 1876 in the Victorian times. Then, sadly Queen Victoria banned Dolphflys from England, so the Dolphflys were thrown into the Mediterranean Sea and that is why they live there.
    Dolphflys are endangered animals and are still banned but they sometimes fly past England as fast as a rocket so they will not be seen. This is explaining why Dolphflys are hidden mostly.

  7. If I was going to choose two animals to mix it would be the Sidewinder snake and the fattail scorpion.
    I chose the sidewinder snake because every single bit of this creature can camouflage(includes the eyes).The Fatttail scorpion is my most favourite,dagerouse animal and that`s why chose it.

    My animal would be called ...The 'Sidion'.People will have to get used to him/her before taking it as a pet.

    As an animal the Sidion would be in the top tens and you shouldn`t keep it as a pet unless you are a prof like me.The Sidion has super sharp,shining canines.You should never touch it`s tail because it is exatly like a scorpions tail.

    It would live in hot places like:Egypt,South Africa,Blangadesh,Pakistan,Russia and other places like deserts.It would be very rare because of its camouflaging.So you wouldn`t really find it in a zoo.

    A Sidion is a carnivore which means that it only eats animals like:Rabbits,Deers,
    Girraffes and other and is able to eat a elephant.

  8. If I had the chance to mix any two animals together, my first option would be a white Siberian cat, which has been roaming Russia for centuries. Its longer name is the Siberian Forest Cat, but in shorter terms it is called the Siberian cat. My next option would be a butterfly, which (as everybody knows), is just a pretty little insect which collects nectar. If you mix these two animals together you get a ‘catterfly.’
    My catterfly has; sharp claws and teeth to catch its prey and attack any enemies, velvet white fur, soft paws that feel like marshmallows, and a very playful attitude. Usually a catterfly is very friendly, but if you annoy it by touching its face, covering its eyes, pulling its paws, or stepping on its tail, it will give you a massive bite. Unlike other dogs or cats, catterflies show their appreciation not by licking you, but by stroking your cheek with its soft paws.
    A catterfly is able to survive any extreme weather conditions, so it can pretty much live anywhere, though there would be more catterflies in California than in any other country. Catterflies prefer warm weather, so it tries to avoid rain and hailstones, although they love rolling about in the snow. Not only can they fly, but they can also sense danger from over than 10,000,000 miles away.
    Catterflies are herbivores; it eats different types of candy: sweets, chocolate, muffins, jelly, honey, and ice-cream. They get energy and proteins from tasty lollipops, which are specially made for catterflies. They drink hot chocolate when they are feeling cold.
    Even though catterflies can be very vicious and fierce, they like people who pay attention to them and play. Like most cats, they like chasing things: maybe a ball of wool, a squeaky toy, or even an empty can that someone chucked carelessly onto the ground. While the catterfly is still a type of cat, it likes being stroked from tail to head. Somehow, it still likes being tickled on its belly.
    Catterflies will make the perfect pet for any cat-lovers or butterfly-lovers. In fact you don’t need to be a lover of anything at all!

  9. Three unusual different looking cubs have been born in London. They have been born to a mummy cow and a daddy horse. They are called Horces. The mummy cow had three different babies one had four different strips and the other to had one strip on them and that colur was pink and the first one what had four strips is called Liber. Also the other two are called stem and Liber died because of the cold weather and when Liber died the other one was called Liber and the other won was called stem and when liber died all of the animals were all together the monkeys, lions, tigers and even ligers also all of the animals were there. The little babies like it because it is hot now when it was cold then Liber died then they called the other sister Liber. They lived in London It would eat ham and lamp and pizza and water.

    by pavan

  10. My animal would be made of a cheeter and tiger.It would be called a cheetier.

    It would be a fast animal and i would be smart.Also it would only hunt big animals because the cheetier is 14 feet tall.Finally it runs 60mph and people are the main meal so look outand run away and clime a really big tree about 16 feet tall.

    The cheetier lives in the south of the carabiens and lives in a jungle called island of death.however,if the jungle was attackt the cheetier would go onto the highest mountin andit will go to sleep in a really dark cave and some times there are bats.

    Cheetiers eat carnivors like people,lions,crocodiels and sharks but some times the preys can kill it.But there are only 5 cheetiers on the world and one of them is ababy cub cubs eat meat of mirecats and eagles.
